Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Boy and His Nails...

One day I was busy making dinner,
The baby was happily playing in her chair...
Elsie was drawing at the table...
where was James!?
Elsie found him,
in the bathroom...
Painting his nails!
He reasoned that it was okay
to paint his nails because he picked out
and orange is a boy colour!
Because I knew it was loosing battle to fight,
I let him paint his nails bright orange.
He did pretty good.
Elsie said he needs a little more
I assured her boy's aren't supposed to paint nails perfectly!
In the end he did have some
snazzy nails...
And the polish is put up high.
I figured there are enough
Justin Beiber-ish
boys in the world...
we don't want to add to that group.
so the polish is out of reach.
Now if we could just get him to stop with his
love of lipstick...

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