Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Phone Dump {better late than never!}

I skipped the Friday Phone Dump last week because we were busy enjoying the Thanksgiving this is a super long post with 2 weeks worth of pictures...enjoy! And kudos to you if you make it all the way through without getting bored!
1. My sisters and I took a whole day and went shopping! Thanks, mom for watching my kids all day! On the way out of the Mall the girls and I spyed a Photo Booth and just had to try it out!
 2. I could spend forever in Clair's...and a lot of money too! I think the thick black glasses were a good look for me! {I left them in the store though!}
 3. When we shop we are all attracted to anything sparkly with plenty of bling...we are all major "girly-girls!" Ceara got the super sparkly shirt...I think I just might need to steal it someday!
 4. Trying on clothes...we found a super cool store...Rag Stock! And yes, Lisa and I shared a fitting room...because we are sisters...
 5. My favorite buy of the pink zebra print leggings! I bought them with the intention of wearing them under my pair of jeans with all the holes...such a fun look!
 6. Trying on their new Christmas clothes! I think they look pretty darn cute!
 7. We love shopping at the co-op...the co-op has a couple of little carts that the kids love to push around. We have just discovered the Rice flour in bulk...for Thanksgiving I cheated and bought a pre-made blend from bulk to save time.
 8. Helping Mommy roll out the Pie Crusts! We made 5 pie crusts to share of Thanksgiving. This is the first year my gluten free/ dairy free pies have turned out! I credit it entirely to the Lard and Vinegar!
 9. Beautiful pie crusts...I was pretty proud of myself! I made 2 pumpkin pies and 2 apple pies...we brought the 5th shell to my mom so they could make the pecan...can't have nuts in my house! 
 10. Love this...James fell asleep in his carseat while wearing his sunglasses!
 11. I have a messy house. Like 90% of the time. It drives me bonkers! Jon says I have issues with cleaning up the house and need to take a chill Jon will be proud of me when he sees this picture!
 12. James loves the Christmas tree...he is pretty good about leaving it alone. But we did have a trip to the dr. this week though because a certain little man cut his hand quite good on an ornament! More on that to come...
 13. We have our Advent Wreath beginning this week our new tradition is eating by candle-light!
 14. My two little kitchen it! Make dinner or baking is definitely a family affair at our house! 
 15. Last weekend Jon and James were gone having "guy time" so Ceara, Elsie and I decided to go crash the little shopping trip that Grammie and the aunties were on! We had a blast...even if we only made it one store!
 16. Elsie loves shopping at Claire's...but we shopped in that little store so long that she and Emma had to go sit on the couch in the mall in complete boredom!
 17. Elsie found some pink Hello Kitty glasses she fell in love with!
 18. Thanksgiving weekend after visiting family we stopped by the Rochester mall...that Mall has escalators! The kids had a blast!
 19. James even got to walk on the escalator all by himself...such a big boy! It kinda annoys me that my kids just step right on with no issues...but I have to stop and think for a minute...with a second of panic...what if I fall, what if I don't get off at the top and my toes get stuck and I get sucked into the moving steps...see, I am crazy!
 20. Elsie wrote out her Wish List for Santa while at Macy's...Love her list...just 2 things. 1. a big barbie car. 2. and mp3 player or ipod.
 21. Mailing the wish list...
 22. The best for "Oh My Gosh it is Almost Black Friday" face!!
So...way to go for making it to the end! I am linking up with Life Rearranged again...
life rearranged

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