Monday, December 19, 2011

ASL, Santa and Tacos...

Last week got to be a crazy week and I didn't even get a chance to blog! We were busy enjoying the Christmas rush...last minute shopping, baking, wrapping...and blogging was not on my mind. I am happy to say we have nothing left to do this week except wait for Christmas. Just maybe I downloaded a Christmas Countdown app on my phone...and I harass my mom by telling her constantly just how many shopping days she has left to complete her long list. {I think she loves it!}
A few weeks ago my sister, Laura was signing some Christmas songs in town for a little event. Laura is taking the ASL course at the local college...and this was a little thing her class was doing. It was neat watching her sign...she looks very graceful while signing. I am sad to say I know very few signs...I think Elsie knows far more than I do!

 My mom and the kids also went...
 My Children found the craft table! It amazes me how much Elsie took in from watching the signers. I thought she was just busy colouring...but now every time we hear certain songs on the radio, she will stand up and start "signing" it...she just mocks all the motions she saw everyone doing. Elsie has always been very intuitive.
 When the signers were taking a break James spyed Santa in the corner! He watched him for a little bit...then he came up to me and took my hand so we could walk over to Santa together. He is so sweet! He even shook Santa's hand...
 He still wanted nothing to do with sitting on his lap though! But at least there were no tears...
 As we were leaving my mom asked if we wanted to join them at Taco John's...and even though we had bbq ribs and baked potatoes waiting in the crock pots, we accepted. Who turns down the opportunity to eat tacos with Grammie and the aunties!?
 The kids all sat at their own booth...Elsie felt very grown up sitting there with the aunties! A little side note...because Elsie is a very independent and broad minded 4 year old...we had to stop at McDonald's and get fries to bring to Taco John's...because she really didn't feel like eating tacos then. Gotta love her little mind!
James was pretty happy to have his own taco! He was also pretty happy to throw potato olays at the kids sitting across from him!
 Proof that my mother was really there! I know she is going to hate me with a vengeance for posting this picture of her...but I think it is important to have at least a few pictures of her on my blog every now and then...I wouldn't want people thinking I get my good looks from just my dad!
 By the time we got home our house smelled yummy with the food from the crock pot...And Jon was almost home...a perfect way to end the week...

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