Monday, May 30, 2011


Our family has never been one for exercises...not sure why, it is just the way we are. That said we are certainly not a bunch of couch potatoes...we are all very active people! Several months ago my chiropractor suggested I start doing daily stretches on an exercises ball and take up Yoga to strengthen my back and stay flexible due to the extra bone and the bulged disk in my back. I have been pretty good with the daily stretches...Elsie has a little ball she uses so we can do it together...very cute! I can tell a huge difference in my back if I "forget" to do the stretches for a couple days!
Yoga is a different story entirely...I hardly ever actually get the time to it! I used to do it with both kids...Elsie and I usually do the poses together...and I had visions of James sitting and quietly watching (yeah, right!). Yoga is a relaxing exercises that focus a lot on breathing...However with a son who is constantly on the move it was anything but relaxing! And I am not even sure if I was breathing...I couldn't even focus in a pose long enough to breath before I had to rescue James from something! Anyway...I quit. Yoga was too body never hurt from doing it...but my mind did! Now that James is a bit older I thought I would try it again while he is napping (though he always wakes up way before I am done...he hates napping!).Elsie was doing most of the poses with me...towards the end she got I gave her the camera to keep her busy...and she took *several* pictures...mainly my butt and the back of my head! Now we will always have proof that I did my best to keep strong and healthy...because I know nothing is worse than not being able to be active!

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