Thursday, April 21, 2011

Outside Fun...

Now that spring has finally sprung in these parts we spend most of our afternoons playing outside. James gets excited and crawls for the door when we ask him if he wants to go outside. It is so much fun when babies get old enough to really understand!

The kids always want to go down to the swingset and play...I firmly believe every child needs a good wooden swingset and a big sandbox...those 2 things keep our children busy for a long while! James loves to swing...he will crawl over to the swing and squeal until we plop him in the swing...for both the kids it is "the higher the better"! James other favorite thing is the slide...he watched his sister a few times slide down then walk around to the ladder...and guess who now insists on using the ladder to get to the slide. Personally I find it easier to simply place him at the top and let him go down...but my children seem to like to do things their own way!

I am completely in love with the way Elsie dresses...more than anything I wish her self-confidence never leaves her! I wish I could wear my sparkly dress outside to play in like it was a completely normal play outfit! She has Spunk for sure...I never know what to expect when she comes out of her room dressed for the day...or rather the hour since one really should change every hour!

James loves it when his sister pushes him in the swing...Elsie loves to see how high she can get him to go...much to his delight! James has started doing a very loud screeching like scream when he feels like it...and screaming is a must while being pushed so high in the swing!

Just today James has learned how to pull the little bar way up...and since this swing is old and has no seat belt it is not the safest thing around! I think we will be bringing the inside baby swing outside before the little man falls right out...This child does not know how to behave like a normal 9 month old!

A close up of all the colours going on in Elsie's outfit...gotta love it! And hey the skirt might be a little big and fall down a little...but that is okay!

A perfectly happy little girl...

I remember one of my sisters saying that the average person eats 2 lbs of dirt a year...not sure if that is true or not...but if so I am pretty sure James met his quota in one day! No trip outside is ever complete without at least a couple spoonfuls of dirt in the mouth...I keep telling myself that one of these days it will click..."this tastes bad, I better not eat it."...hasn't happened yet...but someday it will...I hope!

Today James had about the same amount of dirt all around his mouth...I asked him, "James, were you eating dirt?" He responded by wildly shaking his head back and forth for no...ummm...his mouth made him look like a little liar!! He is so funny...

One last thing I have to point out...these pictures were taken a couple weeks ago when the computer crashed...We no longer have any snow left and it was so warm out today that we were in sleeveless shirts! Yay for spring...

1 comment:

Theresa said...

My Yvette and Elsie should meet. I think their sense of style and spunk might be quite the show to watch. ;-) My mom calls Yvette her "sparkle girl".

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