Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Girl...

It seems like lately most of my posts have been about James...Elsie is still in her "don't take my picture" phase...which is no fun fun for a snap happy mama! I do my best to sneak pictures of her...and am all to willing to drop everything and run with the camera when she has a rare moment of wanting me to photograph her!
Elsie is still my spunky little princess. Elsie still has her super vivid imagination...I am pretty sure the things this girl imagines are really truly happening! Her favorites are dressing up in funky clothes, her dress up high heels, her baby doll and paper and pencils. Give this girl a notebook and a pencil and she will be happy for a super long time! She is slightly tormented by the letter "S"...her pencil just doesn't move the right way...but she keeps on trying, she fills her paper will "S" attempts. When she makes a perfect "S" she excitedly calls for me to come look...I love her determination and her perfect excitement of something so simple! Except for the letter "s" she can write her name by herself...every day she gets a little better. Love watching her learn new things...

Elsie is a major gum only takes her a few days to finish off a whole package of pink Orbit gum. She will only chew the gum for a few minutes then spit it out...and take a new piece a few hours later! Only one time have I found a chewed up piece of gum on the carpeting on her bedroom floor...she got into trouble...the discipline must have worked...she is now good at spitting the chewed up gum in the trash!

Elsie has an obsession with mouth wash and floss picks. She uses both daily. I mean a never-miss-a-day kind of obsession. I find it funny...what three and a half year old tells her mother "I am almost out of floss picks, we need more!" I use mouth wash daily...I do not floss daily...bad habit, I know! So where she picked this habit up from I don't quite know. I think her good habits are rubbing off on her brother too...he begs to brush his teeth every morning!

Elsie has plenty of fun little quirky a profound love for Ketchup...she eats it on everything...even mashed potatoes! She simply must sleep with her feet tucked up on either my legs or a pillow...don't know why, but they must be elevated...she has done that ever since she was a tiny baby! She has a deep desire for a pink mp3 player and a pink lap top, and a bitty baby doll stroller...this girl knows what she wants! Every weekend Elsie and I have a fight to see who gets to look at the Target ad first...she mostly always wins! Every night we end the day with an "I love you" and she responds with "But I love you the most!" I let her think she wins at the Love you game...but everyone knows that mama's love their babies the most-est!

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