Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4 Years Ago...

4 years ago Jon and I became Mr. and Mrs and started our life together as husband and seems like just yesterday we were still dating...on the other hand it seems like we have been together forever!

Jon and I have know each other since were quite family attended the church were his father was the minister...and Jon and I never got along at all. I simply could not stand him...he was in-mature and had a bad attitude...he thought I was a "goody-two-shoes". I almost dropped out of confirmation simply because I could not stand him! After we graduated we went our separate ways and never thought of each other at all. A few years later we found ourselves going on the same mission trip to Jamaica...I soon discovered he didn't have such a bad attitude and he soon discovered I had a sense of humor and was not so perfect. After the 2 weeks mission trip was over we were good friends. We remained good friends after that...dated for a couple years...decided to get married...and here we are 4 years later...with 2 children and still lovin' each other!

Love you, Jon...


Mommy Girl said...

happy anniversary!!!

shasta said...

Thanks...a special day!

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