Monday, February 23, 2009

Dreaming of Spring...

This weekend Jon was pouring over all the seed catalogs...trying to decide what to plant and where to order it from and when he should start them indoors...
We are planning on ordering most of our seeds from the "Seed Savers" catalog...they are not hybrids...and we can save the seeds from the produce and re-plant them next year. Our goal is to grow as much of our food as possible so it is organic and super healthy! Jon is very excited about doing a garden this year...we is always calling me over to the windows overlooking the back yard so he can try to explain his new plan for a garden! I am so happy he is so excited about if only spring would hurry up and come!

1 comment:

carla said...

ah yes - we're doing the same thing here. i've got to get going and get our order in real soon.

it's always so much fun to make these plans this time of the year...


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