These pictures are several weeks ago...I just found them on my old camera...a fun surprise! One afternoon Jon, the kids and I were at my parents house...and Elsie and Emma talked me into bringing them on a 4-wheeler ride on the little 4-wheeler! It didn't take long for us to find the mud puddle in the driveway! I have never gone mudding before...but I can see why everyone finds it so thrilling...and with a bigger wheeler with far more speed I can only imagine the fun! Don't be alarmed if you find me all full of mud after the next big rain storm!!
Papa Wayne took the big wheeler out mudding with James and auntie looks like they have a little more speed going! Next time papa Wayne can have the little wheeler and I will take the big one!
We had mud dripping off our toes! I brought extra clothes with for Elsie...but nothing for me! I went downstairs and dug around in a bag of my sisters old clothes for Goodwill and found some clean jeans! Thank goodness for sisters (and bags of Goodwill clothes that never make it to the drop off!)
Fun memories...a goal for my life is never to get too old or too busy to take the time for the simple moments in life...those are the moments that make life fun! Embrace life...squeeze every drop of life out of each day...even if it is something as simple as a mud puddle of fun!
James and Papa Wayne...notice James has a little blob of mud on his forehead!
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