I am finally get back to Embrace the Camera this week...summer just gets so crazy and busy sometime! Last week Elsie got brave and got her ears pierced! Elsie told me she wanted it done before the 4th of July...so I called up town and made an appointment! Elsie wanted her Auntie Emma and Auntie Marissa to go with her...for moral support! Emma held Elsie's hand...and Marissa snapped these pictures.
Elsie was very brave and sat up strait while the lady got the ear piercing gun all ready...
As soon as the gun pushed the earring in...I could see the pain in her eyes and I felt so bad for her! She did good to be brave...but the pain was a bit much!
In the end we left the salon with just one lovely red earring! Elsie was determined that one earring was all she wanted...she changed her mind though and we back 2 days later and got the other ear done! She was even more brave with the second one...she knew what kind of pain was coming but she still sat perfectly still!
My baby girl is growing up far to fast!
*I have to say a special thank you to Marissa for taking such great pictures...she did a great job and she is only 10!
That is seven kinds of precious. Way to go brave girl!
awwww brave girl! I bet she loves them! Beautiful!
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