For James 1st Birthday bash we celebrated it early...we did a 4th of July/Birthday combo on the fourth of July. We figured since everyone was here already it would be easier...and it turned out to be a fun day! On his actual birthday we celebrated by spending the afternoon with Grandma B. James had a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting...and sprinkles that looked like dirt. We put his favorite little Tonka dozer and dump truck on top...and a single green candle to mark one year for a very happy and busy little man!
We even had Party fun is that!?
And a green monster pinata! James got to hit the pinata first since it was his birthday! He did not understand the concept of a pinata at all...but thought it sure was fun to hit something and not get into trouble!
Love this picture...all the kids all lined up on the hill waiting for their turn...
The Birthday boy and his skull tattoo...
Jon watched from the sidelines as the kids hit the pinata...
Finally the candy spilled out...the kids were happy!
After the pinata came the gift opening. James really didn't "get" the whole gift opening thing...but he did find a great deal of enjoyment in being told to rip paper! He got lots of fun toys...Elsie and I went shopping for him a few weeks before...and Elsie picked out a huge stuffed puppy to give to her brother. We now a huge stuffed puppy fighting for room in the bed every night also!
For the last year James has been happy to play with his sister's girl toys...but after his birthday he has a fine assortment of boy toys! A couple guns, a lawnmower, a dump truck, a many boy things! (soon we will need to add on a room just for toys!)
After gifts came the cake! Love this picture...James is eyeing that candle while Elsie and I are each holding a hand down!
I think he was probably more interested in eating the cake and frosting than playing with the candle...Everyone sang Happy Birthday and Elsie helped James blow out the candle.
Little cousins eating birthday cake on the blanket. They ( okay, mostly my one-year old son!) trashed the blanket...I later learned that was the blanket my mom had brought with for the fireworks...oops! Don't worry...we simply took the comforter off Elsie's bed to lay on at the fireworks...that is just how we roll around here!
The Birthday boy loved his cake...he got good and messy...he got a stand up bath afterwards. And Elsie and James enjoyed another slice of cake with their pancakes in the morning! What a happy Birthday celebration for a special little guy...a first Birthday to remember!
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