I am finally done with all the fourth of July pictures...we took a ridiculous amount of pictures again...so going through and picking out my favorites and editing took a little time! This year we just walked to the end of our road and set up our chairs to watch the parade. All of my life we have sat up town and watched the parade...but we all agreed that this will be our new spot...close to our house, lots of other families around and big shade trees! A perfect spot with so many little ones...
Elsie loves the parade...and she loves wearing special 4th of July clothes! This year Elsie picked out some fabric and I made a little ruffle skirt for her...she looked so cute! James had a little white t-shirt that I decorated with an iron-on transfer...the choice of a white t-shirt was a bad idea and is now so stained up I don't even want to let him wear it!
We had a large group of people sitting with us again this year...13 in all, I think! Everyone took turns holding James...he loved the parade. The firetrucks were his favorite...even when the sirens were blaring he just stared with excitement in his eyes!
A few weeks before the parade we bought some tattoos for the kids...the kids love tattoos...
While James loved the sirens, Elsie did not! She kept her hands firmly over her ears...and sitting on daddy's lap is the best kind of comfort when you are scared!
After the parade Everyone came over to our house for lunch and visiting...my parents host every holiday at their house, so Jon and I have claimed the fourth as our holiday to host. I look forward to hosting this party every year...and plan it out for months in advance!
This year my sister, Ana and her two little boys made the long 4 hour trip to celebrate with us. Little Gus is so adorable...I was greatly coveting his little hat for my little boy!
Love this picture...Elsie pouting on the edge of the picnic table. This girl is developing quite an attitude!
4th of July banner...I made this last year...I cut out all the pieces while on bedrest with James and sewed it together after the bedrest was over! It is a fun banner and will always have a fun little story to go with it!
We always have the same menu for the fourth...the classic all American food. Hot dogs, brats, potato salad, watermelon, chips, beans, corn on the cob, spinch salad...so yummy!This year my grandparents were even able to join us...
My mom...who for once could relax on a holiday...and not even have to worry about her lawn being ripped up by the dirt bikes and 4-wheelers!
Little cousins...eating lunch on the little picnic table...James was so tired...Jon walked down to the park with James and he finally fell asleep! This little guy fights sleep terribly...he would go a whole day without sleeping if we didn't force him to nap...but I knew a nap was needed if we were going to watch the fireworks!
Jon and I...love Jon's beard! I have talked him into letting his beard grow long so we can get it dreaded in 3 dreads...it is still not quite long enough. He let my sister braid the hair in 3 braids...and I love it...gives him a cool look, I think!
All the kids were so happy to have a special treat of drinking some soda! Love the way Elsie sinks in the chair!
Uncle Colter was busy filling up water balloons for a water fight and the 2 little boys had to watch...I think Uncle Colter loves having some little shadows!
4th of July decorations! I went to Party City and had fun...so many fun little things!This year marshmallows on skewers with frosting and sprinkles were the new fun food item we added to the menu! These were time consuming to make...and very un-healthy and packed full of sugar...but so good! Trust me, these will have a permanent place on the 4th of July menu!
Part of our outdoor entertainment was Twister...with circles pray painted on the grass! My sister, Lisa found the idea on Pinterest and did it to our lawn. So fun!
The other entertainment was the slip and slide...and the pool and the sandbox. We also had a Photobooth set up outside for a little fun. You can go to my Mom's blogand see the photbooth pictures...they are all fun!Both Oliver and James had so much fun with this Retro Rocket...I think they both imagine it is their 4-wheeler!
"I swear to drunk and I am not God...umm...whatever!" It was really a staged photo...Ana's beer (celiac people can't drink it!) and sunglasses and bee headband stole from the photobooth! Fun picture, though!Everyone had a great time...a busy fun filled weekend! I love having lots of family at our house...
* I have to note that the day before the fourth Jon was out cutting the grass and something happened to the blades so he was doing something underneath...and the blade slipped and cut his arm...a pretty good cut...like down to the muscle! I heard him let out a very loud "ouch" ( and maybe a few choice words!) and he rushed in holding his arm while blood was spilling out. He calmly called for me to help him, and bring some super glue! He washed his arm out and super glued it closed! I did make him go the ER...where he got some medicine to help take care of infection. Because he had already super glued it they sent him home with no stitches...I was kinda upset! So...for the fourth he had a lovely big gauze bandage wrapped around his arm. I am sure he will have quite a scar from that! Life is always interesting...especially with Jon as my husband!
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