Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bell Ringing 2014

Every year we take a few hours shortly before Christmas and ring the Red Kettle bells for the Salvation Army...
Bell Ringing is something the kids always 
look forward to...
we all dress up as festive as possible!
I am pretty sure James was the very best 
Bell Ringer ever!
James was dancing around yelling out to people
"Step right up and get your candy cane!"
He would also hold doors open for people 
and boldly hand out candy canes and ask people 
to put money in the kettle!
The girls were good volunteers, they were 
just a little bit quieter!
Bell ringing is hard work though...
good thing we brought snacks of grapes and jelly sandwiches!
We were hoping the sound of the ringing bells and 
the festive reindeer ears would make baby Dex want to be born...
but he was pretty cozy in his mama's belly!
Just a little side note...
I just learned that all the money raised from the 
Red kettle drive,
is what sets the funding the the entire year for the Salvation Army...
And the list of everything they do with that money is 
very long...
food and clothing for families, emergency shelter, 
job training...
all in our local community and beyond.
So, next time you have an opportunity to donate to 
Salvation Army,
make sure you do!

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