Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He Can Do It!

Last week Jon was washing his work clothes and decided to hang them out on the line to dry! I had to take a picture of him doing so! I love that he hung each sock individually and that there are 3 pins on each shirt...I also love the fact that Jon is a rough and tough sort of guy yet he took the time to hang his work clothes out on the line!
Just a note that I really normally do his laundry...but I was busy at the moment so that is why he is doing it!


carla said...

oddly enough, your dad loves to help hang clothes out on the line and he does a pretty good job, too! could it be that these rough & tumble men really do have a 'domestic' side to them??!

there's nothing better than line-dried clothes. mmmmm, the smell is wonderful!

carla said...

oh, and your 'live feed' thingy over on the sidebar is pretty interesting. you have a lot of people that read your blog everyday --- that's neat.


ana said...

i have a basket of dirty clothes right now if jon would like to come do mine too!! i like the photo!

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