Saturday, November 1, 2008


Have you ever such seen a cute pumpkin? Grandma B. made Elsie an adorable Pumpkin costume...she even kept the hat on the whole time...
We went with Elsie's Aunties and Grandpa to the local nursing home to go trick-or-treating. Elsie really has no clue about candy as she has never had any...but I think she had fun anyhow...She would give some people big smiles...others she would hardly look at!

We did give uncle Colter most of the candy...there is no way Elsie is going to get so much sugar and dye!

After trick-or-treating to went to see Grandma B...who was dressed up a pirate! I think Grandma had fun showing the little pumpkin girl off!

All the left-over candy. My sisters handed out candy at our house while we were gone...but we only had 4 trick-or-treaters here...

1 comment:

carla said...

Yes, for sure, she really was the cutest little pumpkin! She looked so adorable and she really did seem to enjoy herself, too, didn't she? Jon's mom did a great job on the costume.

(Oh, and have you been typing one-handed again while trying to corral your energetic little girl on your lap??!! You make me laugh - and cringe a little, too --- I'm sure you knew I'd be the one to point out your typos, right?! Sorry....)
Love ya, mom

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