Monday, June 9, 2008

An Afternoon of Bubbles

What is summer without bubbles? This afternoon we introduced Elsie to bubbles...and she LOVED them! It looked like the bubbles kept popping on her nose and tickling...but she liked it!

What a life...the aunties and uncle are always so willing to do anything to entertain and make Elsie laugh...I think Elsie gets enough attention for about 3 kids!

1 comment:

carla said...

Ummm, Shasta dear, you forgot to tell your readers how the bubble containers were dropped onto the floor, not once, not twice, but *at least* three times spilling liquid in large thick gooey puddles, in my children's haste to make your daughter laugh & giggle --- yes, bubble liquid all over the dining room floor, the entryway step and the sidewalk, too --- and when the bubble-blowing fun was over all *three* bubble bottles were nearly empty!! Silly, silly kids, the four of them are!! (Seriously, it was very worth it to hear the squeals of delight from the baby!)

I loved it (and so did all of them!)


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